Body Update and Heading to New York
You know you’re doing something right when people think you’re an instructor. I’ve had new people at the yoga studio ask me if I am a...

BTS: Body Painting By Fernello
Got the chance to be painted by the amazing artist Fernello!! Featured on the show Skin Wars- In town from New York- and making waves. We...

Vox VS: Siem Reap
Cambodiaaaa. An 8 hr bus ride from Thailand to Cambodia- this was actually an excellent way to travel. Comfy seats, plenty of room, and...

BTS: Moves Like Cash
Johnny Cash that is... Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Shani Varner. 1 hr running around the city like crazy...

Alive, Back, and Very Well
Back and changed forever. I know now why I had to be there. For many reasons, all of them very important. What happens when you listen to...

Coffee Thoughts: Reminder: Live Free
“How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 8:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush...

BTS: Around The World in 2 Minutes
Back with my Photog-Bestie. Killer sets today. Right up my alley. Fashion forward, International shit. Definitely on of my favorite days...

Reminder: Stay Open
“We are far more than the bodies we inhabit. They're little more than clothes.. and yet we judge so much by them. But when we generalize...

Becoming An Alien | Halloween 2017
It's Halloween timeeee!!! This year I decided on an alien. (because, hello I practically am one) It's been a while since I worked with...

Macros Made Easy
Macros what?? What is this everyone in fitness land keeps talking about? How do you count them? Does it work? YES. I'm not saying that...