You know you’re doing something right when people think you’re an instructor.
I’ve had new people at the yoga studio ask me if I am a teacher there for a while, and NOW the last couple of weeks I’ve had multiple people at my boxing gym ask if I’m an instructor there.
This to me is the highest compliment. It lets me know I’m getting stronger, and makes me even more hungry for growth.
This is my body update right now:

After 3 years finally felt strong enough to take some combat training. This is the first personal one on one training I’ve had in years; And it felt so so good.
I’m stronger than I’ve ever been and excited to push myself to the next limit. Big thanks to Coach Steve Hall for taking me on.
We’re trying to break my Taekwondo stance/habits and my “I don’t block shit” habits lollll but every day I'm getting closer and closer to where I want to be!
Heading off to New York this week, I'm going to try and find a gym to get a week pass etc to stay on top of my workouts! But a lot of fun things coming from NY, can't wait to share!!!
Until next time,