Fitness & Health


A few years ago, I was a totally different person. Staying up all night, sleeping all day, partying all the time day and night, putting awful things in my body. No I don't regret this stage of my life because I lived like I was a member in The Rolling Stones for a few years and not many people can say that haha. Most of the people I came in contact with were of course just party friends, but I also met my 2 best friends and they have stuck ever since. So I wouldn't take those years back for anything. However, I am a firm believer in only doing something as long as it serves you. I needed the rock and roll life style at that stage of my life. I needed to feel crazy and detached. But then, one day I was left wanting. I no longer felt happy when I was out, I felt empty. I felt annoyed, and tired, and... hungover lol. I also felt like I had lost touch with who I was a bit. I was always a moderately healthy person, I love healthy foods, and I like to be active. I had lost touch with that mostly because I was sleeping my hangovers off all day and then right back into partying we went. I remember feeling so lost on my birthday, I was so unhappy and just angry. Bad juju man. And I am NOT the person to keep doing the same thing that is making me unhappy. Life is too short and I am very aware of this- CHANGE things! The next day I decided I needed a lfe overhaul. I literally changed everything. I stopped going out. I signed up to volunteer, to help those that actually have real problems so I would stop feeling sorry for myself. I went to a boxing and martial arts gym where an aquaintance of mine was a trainer. I told him why I was there, I got emotional, I told him I felt weak. Right then he said "You are in the right place." And I felt that. He told me it was the first time he had heard my reasonings for wanting to join a gym. Most people join to "look hot" "get skinny"... I wanted to, because I was tired of feeling weak. I was tired of feeling shitty. I wanted to get strong again. I needed it. And so there I went, haven't stopped since. My love for fitness has only grown. I started with kickboxing when I needed to release all of those years of self-abuse and self-pity. I grew stronger, then I needed to balance out. I found yoga. Yoga has changed my life more than anything, because it not only changed my body but also my mind... my soul. Now 3 years in to my health journey I regularly do boxing, yoga, cardio/HIIT, and I just started weight lifting this year. That is one of the main reasons I started this site. I have become completely in awe of the human body, and nutrition. I need somewhere to share this, and I'm hoping that some people out there may find it helpful! I am in the best shape of my life, but it is only the beginning. I decided to start vlogging now because I feel I am about half way into my body journey, and I want to document it along the rest of the way!! Interested? Stay tuned! Check out the blog page as that is where most of my energy will be going!
Let's do this!