“How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 8:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush teeth and hair, and fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you make lots of money for somebody else and then are asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so?”
-Charles Bukowski (1 of my top 3 favorite writers)
I've been thinking a lot about this lately. Everyone gets sucked into the universal trap of just working every day to pay for the bills and all the nice things they really don't need. It seems social media has only increased this desire to "have it all".
It is unfortunate that we do not consider having it all as: having real family and friends, growing our souls on a daily basis, taking care of our bodies, traveling the world to learn about it and ourselves...
instead it goes more like: Having perfect physical features, a fancy car, big beautiful home, and a thriving social media.
We ALL get caught up in this at some point. We are, afterall human- and have been trained to be consumers.

^If you didn't know, Fight Club is my favorite movie of all time. There was a time in my life that I watched it every day for about half a year. Seriously. But the message rang so true to my soul. It madee me angry- it still does. (Little extra sidee note- Chuck Palahniuk is in my top 3 favorite authors as well; I've read all of his books multiple times)
We get lost. Then we wake up at 60 wondering where our life has gone, what have we accomplished besides a hefty 401-K.
I am just trying to live more mindfully these days. To not feel like I am behind because I am not sure where I will be in 10 years. To not feel down on myself because I dont look like those instagram models when I wake up. To not feel bad about being in the artistic world where money is not always a top benefit. So this is just my morning thoughts, something to get you thinking:
#Reminder to live free.
Work a job you love.
Leave it- if it no longer serves you.
Take a breath.
Take time off.
Don’t keep up with the jones’, who are they anyways?
Enjoy your life. It is YOURS after all.
Don’t fall for the American Dream,
it’s a shit show.
Thanks for listening, and remember:
"You are not your job, you're not your car, you are not the contents of your wallet, you are not your fucking khakis.".,