I Love NY!
I have always love New York. The bustling energy, the scale of it, everything about New York. This week I traveled here for an art...

BTS: Moves Like Cash
Johnny Cash that is... Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Shani Varner. 1 hr running around the city like crazy...

Vox VS: Hua Hin
We grabbed a train down south to Hua Hin. A real train, not the subway. We officially travelled every way possible in Thailand. Flight,...

Alive, Back, and Very Well
Back and changed forever. I know now why I had to be there. For many reasons, all of them very important. What happens when you listen to...

Coffee Thoughts: Reminder: Live Free
“How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 8:30 a.m. by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush...

A Day with Author, Mike Petrone
Photoshoot recently with author, world traveler, and fellow photographer- Mike Petrone. An amazing being that I am lucky to know and call...

BTS of Photography: Kelly and Marissa
Ever wonder what it's like behind the scenes of my life as a photographer? Well then come sneak a look into a day of my work. I always...