Just Add Apple Cider Vinegar!
Sooo I've been sucessfully oil pulling with coconut oil for about a month straight now. Every day in the morning before anyything else I...

Vox + Laroux + First Look
First look behind the scenes of the musical project Denied Grace with Kym Laroux. Kym has started back up writing and making a new album,...

RIP: Stephen Hawking
Someone took that same situation you’ve been complaining about, and won with it. Thought this was fitting due to the loss of perhaps the...

Happy International Women’s Day
This resonated with me so much... I heard phrases like these so much growing up: “Don’t do that, it’s not lady like” “That was a man’s...

Vox VS: Siem Reap
Cambodiaaaa. An 8 hr bus ride from Thailand to Cambodia- this was actually an excellent way to travel. Comfy seats, plenty of room, and...

BTS: Moves Like Cash
Johnny Cash that is... Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Shani Varner. 1 hr running around the city like crazy...

Vox VS: Hua Hin
We grabbed a train down south to Hua Hin. A real train, not the subway. We officially travelled every way possible in Thailand. Flight,...

Vox VS: Bangkok
Bangkok you crazy SOB. Crazy and bustling. A wonderful mix of the past trying to hold on in the corners of a very fast forwarding world....

Alive, Back, and Very Well
Back and changed forever. I know now why I had to be there. For many reasons, all of them very important. What happens when you listen to...

Disconnect To Connect
As I am sitting here typing this, I am connected. Connected to the ethernet. I have spent all day editing images (the not so glamourous...