As I am sitting here typing this, I am connected. Connected to the ethernet. I have spent all day editing images (the not so glamourous part of my job as a photographer), texted my friends, and probably checked my instagram or email about 20 times or more.
So by now I know my eyes are probably strained, and I'm coming down with a slight nagging headache.
We as a species are so connected. To everything... and nothing at the same time.
On one hand, technology has given us a portal to be able to connect with people accross the world. We can keep up with our loved ones while they are away from us- or complete strangers that we admire.
Today we have so much more connectivity at our fingertips than ever before.
Question is, when is too much- too much.
I fear the more connected we get in the virtual world, the less we are connected with the real one.
We have become dependant on our phones, computers, televisions. Screens in general.
I would argue that put all together, the amount of time we spend on our phones or looking at other screens is the top thing we do next to sleep.
Kids don't play outside anymore, people can't stop at a redlight without checking instagram, our heads are literally more forward on out spines due to how much we are looking down "text-neck" !!!
Imagine if we spent as much time working on a hobby, or working out, or reading... what we could achieve.
I am not saying it isn't fun or cool.. I'm not saying I'm not guilty...
I'm just saying maybe we should be more mindful about the hours we have in a day, and how we really want to spend them.
Scrolling through instagram being envious of other people's lives? Or living our own??
So with all of that, I am going to practice what I preach.
I'm going away for a while, somewhere far far away. And with it I will be taking a self care break away from this vampiric time consuming beast.
I will be back, but the truth is- it's just easier to check in with yourself when you're not constantly checking in on others.
Taking some much needed time to scroll less and live more. (peace)