Sooo I've been sucessfully oil pulling with coconut oil for about a month straight now. Every day in the morning before anyything else I oil pull! They say about 45 days until you start seeing an impact- so in a few more weeks I'll give an updated post about it.
I've been really proud of my consistency, so I figured I'd add another homeopathic secret to my whole body health routine-
Apple cider vinegar.

I started off doing apple cider vinegar rinses in my hair. This tip came from someone when I told them my hair had just been feeling blah all the time. It just laid there. Dd nothing, felt flat and lifeless. Add in vinegar once a week and... boom. I lovveee it. My hair feel healthier, stronger, and lighter. Styles hold better. and on and on..
Then I got brave and decided to add it to my other health routines. Now for a week I've been using it as a toner for my face and shooting it in the mornings right after my oil pulling.
Honestly... I HATE the way it smells.
And honestly- I would rather shoot straight vodka in the morning over vinegar.
It's awful. I almost upchucked the first time I tried it.
Butttt, the results I have been seeing far outweigh the negatives. ACV is good for anyone to do, but especially for those that are on a fitness journey like myself.
The benefits of ACV are extensive, I'll go through them below and give the science behind it as well!:
Important tips first:
1. Make sure to use the unfiltered (raw) version with the mother (murky film on top composed of healthy proteins, enzymes, and bacteria) still present.
2. Make sure you're diluting it with wter before use, it is strong in acetic acid so it doesn't need to be used alone.
(I.E: When shooting it 1-2 tbsp mixed with at least a half glass of water is good enough)
The Amazing Benefits/Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar:
1. Regulates Blood Sugar/ Lowers Blood Pressure
When you eat and drink your body produces insulin to help breakdown sugars and convert it into energy.
Apple cider vinegar positively impacts metabolic functioning overnight and thus prevent blood sugar spikes in the morning.
This is especially important to those with diabetes (that are chronically insulin-resistant or simply don’t produce enough insulin to maintain a healthy glucose level)
But also to those on a fitness journey who need that extra push for their body vs sugars to work more efficiently.
The acetic acid found in apple cider vinegar can help eliminate cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood vessels which cause a thickening, hardening, and narrowing of artery walls (contributing to high blood pressure).
2. Supports Weight Loss/ Prevents Bloating
Speaking of your body converting sugars more efficiently, ACV has been proven to aid in shedding pounds too!
Because it aids in metabolizing glucose in your body, it prevents your body from over producing insulin. (which can lead to sugar-cravings etc)
ACV is also loaded with healthy bacterias for your gut aka- no more bloating!
Also speaking of that healthy gut flora- many people don’t understand is that there is a very close relationship between your energy levels, your mood, what you eat and even the time of day. Serotonin is linked with the gut because it indicates that we are satiated – i.e. full. So basically, improve your gut health and you will be less likely to overeat.
3. Helps Detox The Body/ Balances PH of Body
Apple cider vinegar is rich with enzymes which stimulate liver function and lymphatic drainage, as well as healthy bacterias that filter to your gut and aid in digestion and waste elimination.
You guys know I love a good detox agent.
Healthy pH levels for the human body hover between 7.35 and 7.45 which leans more towards the alkaline side of the spectrum, instead of the acidic side- With the american diet (a lot of junk, preservatives, sugar etc) especially our bodies are constantly thrown into the acidic side of the spectrum which is quite toxic to us. Interestingly, the acetic acid in ACV actually exhibits alkaline properties in the body.
I know... it doesn't make sense- Using acid to alkaline the body ??? lol (shrugs)
4. Prevents Acid Reflux
Speaking of weird reverse reactions to acid- taking ACV actually helps treat/prevent acid reflux!
This has mostly due to that mysterious alkalining magic that acedic acid performs.
4. Mineral Absorbing Boost
ACV boasts the unique ability of helping your body absorb vital minerals like calcium,
When you consume apple cider vinegar it helps pump up the acid content of your stomach – this is crucial to stimulating the enzymes which break down foods and help your body assimilate nutrients and vitamins.
Speaking of minerals ACV contains a number of useful nutrients and one of the most abundant is manganese. (which is hard to get in the western diet) Consuming a regular helping of apple cider vinegar will provide you with 30% of your DV for manganese.
5. Boost Mood and Energy Levels
Because ACV helps regulate blood sugar levels you are less likely to feel sluggish, also the gut happiness it provides affects your overall mood.
When you increase the amount of healthy bacteria in your gut, you actually produce more neurotransmitters such as serotonin and this can then put you in a better mood!
5.Kills Candida
Candida is a nasty little yeasty fungus- we all have a small amount of candida naturally in our mouths and intestines- but when your diet is full of crap like refined carbohydrates and sugar (which feed the yeast) candida levels can get out of control and start taking over. Bringing with it an assortment of symptoms including bad breath, fatigue, digestive issues, brain fog, recurring fungal infections, skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, hives, and rashes, mood swings, vaginal infections , UTIs, joint pain, and chronic sinus issues. This all goes back to that overly-acedic diet. (Americans are we seeing a theme or no? American diet is crap. Period. It's pretty much the cause of most of your problems. But that's for another post lol) Anyways- ACV's alkalining properties provide an unwelcoming environmet to candida. Yay!
6. Combats Cold and Allergies
Immunity-boosting apple cider vinegar aids in reducing mucus and sinus congestion, often times associated with allergies.
Rich with probiotics, or healthy gut bacterias, ACV preps your body to fight off infections.
7. Makes Hair More Beautiful
(**Mix two tablespoons apple cider vinegar with one cup water, and use to douse your hair after washing. Rinse thoroughly, and follow with a light conditioner.)
In your hair, the acid mantle helps hair stay moisturized, sleek, and shiny.
Because many commercial hair products are more alkaline, they can disrupt or remove the vital acid mantle on your scalp. An apple cider vinegar hair rinse can restore pH levels and exfoliate the scalp, improving the look and feel of your hair as well as preventing dandruff.
This can get rid of product build up, creates a healthier environmet for hair growth, and keeps you shiny/bouncy!
8. Helps Acne / Aging
(**dilute and use as a face wash or as a toner after clensing)
Apple Cider vinegar has antioxidant effects, meaning that it can help to neutralize the action of free radicals.
ACV is also a great anti-bacterial, so it makes a great treatment for stubborn acne without the risk of over-drying like other acne treatments.
The acids in ACV also are great for gradually fading dark spots like sun spots/acne scarring.
By exfoliating exfoliate the skin using the acids- mild cell turnover leads to improve, soften, and smooth skin texture.
With a pH similar to skin, AVC helps restore and balance your skin’s pH and acid mantle. This too is key to healthy, beautiful skin. The acid mantle is the combination of sebum (oil) and perspiration on the skin’s surface. This barrier protects the skin and makes it less vulnerable to environmental damage (smog, sun and wind), less prone to dehydration, and also inhibits the growth of foreign bacteria and fungi (enabling skin to be healthier and have fewer breakout and blemishes. Acne, allergies and other skin problems become more severe as the skin becomes more alkaline).”Mild” soaps are often alkaline (pH 9.5-11), and remove the natural acid protection as well as extract protective lipids (fats) from the skin. Washing with soap can increase this alkaline state and make the skin even more vulnerable to irritation and infection. Most people are cleansing with products that are breaking down their acid mantle and causing increased skin issues. Balancing your pH is an imperative part of maintaining healthy skin.
In conclusion, ACV: Yes it smells. Yes it taste gross. But in a weeks time I already have seen a huge difference just physically-
I feel way less bloated, my skin is as clear as it's been in a long time, and my hair has more pep in it's step.
I'm interested to see how it will effect other things such as fatigue etc over time.
I'll do another update on how I'm feeling after I've kept it up for a month or so!!