Muscle Realignment and Myofasial Release
Apparently my abdominals are too strong for their own good, literally lolll I am too compacted and tight in my center and so it’s pulling...

Protein Sources and Protein Myths
The video below provides a list of my favorite protein sources, from top to bottom! And DEBUNKING popular protein myths! Don't be tricked...

Trick or Treat?
I love cereal. I know I know, shammmmeee. Don't tell anyone ;) But the truth is I do- always have, since I was a kid. I remember growing...

BTS: Modeling on Rooftops
I've always wanted to shoot on a rooftop since I can remember- done. ✅ ... High in the sky, with the wind blowing cool fall air, closing...

Work Out With Me! No Gym? No Excuses!
Hey all! So I wanted to touch on this because I hear this ALL the time: "I wish I could get into a workout routine like you, but I just...

My Experience with Synthetic Dreads
Pros and Cons of Synthetic Dreads! A very thorough and slightly humourous insight to my journey with dreadlocks. :) xoxo, Vox #dreadlocks...

Macros Made Easy
Macros what?? What is this everyone in fitness land keeps talking about? How do you count them? Does it work? YES. I'm not saying that...