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Where Have All the Lesbian Bars Gone?

Writer: KL VoxKL Vox

If you're a lesbian and have had trouble finding a lesbian bar to go to, you're not alone.

And you aren't crazy. I used to think it was really difficult to find one, I envied seeing people on TV going to lesbian bars left and right. I thought maybe they were just well kept secrets, or maybe it was just in my city that they were lacking.

The truth is- they're just not there!

Fact: There is only 21 Lesbian Bars remaining in the United States.


Across the country, nightlife spaces dedicated to lesbians have been closing at a staggering rate over the last decades.

In the 80s- only 30 years ago, there were an estimated 200 lesbian bars in the US. That's a massive shift to now.

It is truly strange to me that especially large cities that have large lesbian populations don't see this as odd?

We are so quick to just settle for a gay bar (which by no means is a diss- superrr fun)

butttttt lesbihonest... - they mostly cater to gay men.

There's nothing but half naked buff men in pictures hanging all over the walls. If they're supposed to be LGBTQ+ bars- where is the advertising directed towards that inclusivity??

I've had this conversation with my girlfriend and I stand by it:

Lesbians deserve spaces that are for them, ran by them.

It's not always about "meeting other lesbians or hooking up" it may be for some of you and yes that's totally fine!

I think people deserve a place that they can meet and connect with others IN PERSON. Instead of always having to rely on on-line dating apps.

I see it more of- it's important to have a place where you can go and be surrounded by others like you. This yes, can lead to romantic/sexual connections; but it also can lead to FRIENDSHIPS.

Bars in the LGBTQ world aren't just bars. Sometimes it's where queer people find belonging, acceptance, and family when their own blood family has turned their backs on them.

It's about community.

It's about having a safe space.

Plus they're fun, and honestly just sexy!!

I love being surrounded by women. There is a vibe to that. A power.

Covid-closings have put even more pressure on already anxious and strapped bar owners- finding their re-openings at only 25 percent and left with months of no income at all.

This year 2 Brooklyn filmmakers, Elina Street and Erica Roseand, decided to take action.

They've raised more than 100,000 dollars to split between the remaining bar owners to keep them in business. And have made an eye-opening documentary about the problem called "Lesbian Bar Project"- in hopes to develop a docu-series on the importance of lesbian bars.

Lesbians have been gathering for a long time. I'm not sure the history of the "first lesbian bar"- noone really does.

There's history on 1933, after the repeal of prohibition, there were the first gay and lesbian bars-

but I think there has been secret "womens spaces" for much much longer in history.

In the 50s and 60's over forty cities had developed anti-cross dressing laws. Thus targeting women who decided to dress more in mens clothing.

Raids on these "first lesbian bars" were not uncommon, and yet they still offered a safer place than regular restaurants/bars.

There's even a story of a young butch woman who sewed lace on her socks to decriminilize herself.

So you see, the importance of keeping these places open are not just for "fun".

It's a statement.

These days we can dress however we want. Kiss whoever we want. And do it openly in public. There's no need to go to lesbian bars to feel safe and accepted. On one hand yes, It's amazing that we don't have to shroud our sexuality anymore. On the other hand- we are literally shunning the very places that gave us asylum and hope in the past.

We should be celebrating these places. Supporting them.

Lesbian bars have long been safe havens for not only women, but also trangender, and all marginalized genders and we need to protect these spaces.

Desire has a space in these bars of course. But SO DOES COMMUNITY.

And community is something so important, and something I fear is dying. We have put all of our energy and efforts into virtual worlds, that give nothing back to us. And we are so lonely because of it. We need to bring community back.

SO, if you want to preserve these spaces these are the things you can do:

1 . Go to these spaces if you live in, or are visiting, the cities they exist!

The best way to support is to show up!!!

Go have fun, bring your girlfriend, bring your friends, meet other dope ass women, dance, have some cocktails, have conversation FACE to FACE.

Here's the list of the remaining lesbian bars and the cities they're in!

2 . The Lesbian Bar Project also has the national fundraiser to help these bars stay afloat. The campaign ends in 16 days so go support or share the word!!

You can find that link here:

And here is the link to the documentary- It's powerful and moving to see the WHY behind it all. To see these women that own these places that were home for many queer women. Hear their story, and support them- after all, it's not just "bars" that we are protecting. Give it a watch!:

Spread the word if you can! Share this post if you want! Let's save the lesbian bars!!

xoxo- Vox the Fox


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