Humans have been living by lunar cycles for centuries, and in our modern world, connecting to these energies can give us a sense of grounding and synergy with the earth and cosmos. While the new moon is a time to set intentions for the future and launch new projects, the full moon is a time of culmination and fruition. I've always loved the moon and feel an intense pull to go with the phases.

The Moon represents the physical as well as the emotional body. The full Moon is a time to be receptive, to take the light and awareness of spirit into your emotional and physical body.

Spiritually speaking, that opposition — between yin and yang, light and dark — makes for a potent time for surrender and a heightened sense of emotionality. As such, full moons are synonymous with closure and endings; of cycles, habits, relationships. So let’s talk about all the full moons coming up this year, and what they’ll represent. Be sure to check up on what each one will mean personally to your astrology each month, as this can vary sign to sign.
January 17: Wolf Moon

The first full moon of 2022. This full moon was so named because villagers used to hear packs of wolves howling in hunger around this time of the year. The wolf moon that comes in the dead of winter is a time for transformation and introspection. It is a time of figuring out what you need in order to have a successful life. It's also a time of seeing what's missing and finding truth in what you long for. It's about sacrifice and finding personal truth.
The wolf moon this year will be in Cancer- meaning you'll go through all the feels.
Take this time to work on shielding, or cast a past life healing spell, or psychic improvement spell. February 16: Snow Moon

Named the Snow Moon due to the typically heavy snowfall that occurs in February. On average, February is the United States’ snowiest month. The snow moon is full of staggering spiritual revelation and purpose. It signifies renewal in the spirit. The snow moon gives people a chance to reset and reevaluate. It's about new dreams and overcoming past hurts.
February's snow moon for 2022 will be in Leo.
Leo represents self-expression and creation- this can open the road for innovative growth, it’s key to channel the energy in a positive direction because it can also influence rash decisions or visceral reactions that we may later regret if we are not careful. March 18: Worm Moon

Originally thought to refer to the earthworms that appear as the soil warms in spring. This full moon is a signal that this is your world and you're needed in it. Your unique energy is needed. Your passions are needed. Your perspectives are needed.- This moon is especially spiritual.
March's full worm moon will be in Virgo- Virgo gives the kick to get life in order. For some, this could mean cutting cords with people who aren’t on your team, and for others it could mean staying in to recharge. Cast spells for home cleansing and crystal cleansing April 16: Pink Moon

So named for the pink blooms of the phlox flower found all over America. Like the season itself, this rosy lunar event is all about rebirth and renewal.
April's full pink moon will be in Libra.
Granting us mental clarity, this moon allows us to make better decisions to help us promote personal balance in life. Moons in Libra stimulates our desire for harmony, while the sense of beauty, refinement and aesthetic increases. It is time of justice and impartiality. It's a beautiful time to forgive and ask for forgiveness and be honest about what needs you have that are not being met. May 16: Flower Moon and Lunar Eclipse Alert!

April showers bring May flowers..
This flower moon is in Scorpio- Scorpio’s full moon energy is a full send into deep emotional, spiritual, and sexual connection and healing.
Its energy gives us a clear path into things we can’t normally see. We can dive into shadow work or tap into the occult mysteries with ease. Take this time to heal trauma, access the Akashic Records, or just get some deep sleep. Cast spells for soul retrievals, psychic healing, karmic healing, and increase psychic ability. There will also be a total lunar eclipse during this moon!!! June 14: Strawberry Moon

Astrologers consider the Strawberry Moon—the last full Moon of the spring or the first of the summer—to be a moment of ripeness. Now is the time to reward yourself for the hard work you've put into your life, relationships, and career.
June's Full Moon also coincides with a Supermoon.
The Moon will be at one of its closest points to Earth all year.
June’s super moon will be in Sagittarius, Like the archer that knows its mark, confidence helps you move towards your goals.
On the downside, you’ll also feel the need to plan and make sure things are laid out very well. Take this time to update your life or business plan. July 13: Buck Moon

Named after the new antlers that emerge from a buck's forehead around this time of the year.
Level up with this full moon that’s in Capricorn- that’s also another super moon. This is a powerful time to focus on personal success, in both business and life. Just be sure you’re not creating too much distance between connecting to milestones and connecting with family, friends, and emotions. Cast spells that boost your success, get raises/promotions and connect with the masculine energies in your life. August 12: Sturgeon Moon

August may be a time for enjoying the summer sun, but it's also a time to appreciate the sturgeon moon. This summer moon has a history rooted in nature, dating back to Native American legends from years gone by about the sturgeon fish, and this time that they thrive. But this moon also signals that it's a time for appreciation and gratitude for what you have and where you've come from.
During this moon you may feel the need to be alone, but this can be a good thing. You can recharge, recenter, and reinvent yourself to become your most true You. Make sure you aren’t accidentally alienating yourself in the process by supporting your interests in the real world.
This full moon is in Aquarius which means personal introspection is massive. This moon symbolizes gratitude for the bounties of nature, and asks us to step in to the flow and appreciate the fruits of all seasons and the unique beauties of the cycles of life. Take this time to be and work with your most authentic self. September 10: Harvest Moon

This moon is the closest full moon to the autumn equinox and is symbolic of a new beginning. Psychic awareness, dreams, and deep emotional connection will be crazy strong during this moon. You’ll start picking up on the thoughts, energies, and issues of those around you.
This harvest moon is in Pieces- This means it’s an excellent time for daydreaming, imaginative energy, compassion and calm, flowing easily with whatever changes may come. October 9: Hunters Moon

Names the Hunter's Moon because it signaled the time for Native Americans to go hunting in preparation for cold winter months. Also called the blood moon. You’ll feel the need to charge forward with any new idea you have during this moon. This is great time to get things done in your life! But be careful that you’re not accidentally bulldozing the people you love.
This moon is in fiery Aries- a fiery and passionate moon, that knows what it wants and means to get it. Cast spells to start new projects, or change how you do things/break habits. November 8: Beaver Moon- Lunar Eclipse Alert!

This is the time beavers would be most active and who build their dams at this time of year in the preparation for winter. And another total lunar eclipse!! Out with the old and in with this moon... Your better you is about to be reborn! Just be sure it aligns with who you truly are and aspire to be. Take this time to be honest with yourself, transform something to its next phase, or treat yourself like the Goddess you are.
This full moon will be in Taurus- this creates special energy for those with this sun or rising placements. They want to feel safe and secure in partnerships, says Gerber. It's a good time to talk with your partner about the future. December 8: Winter Moon

The last full moon of 2022. The spiritual meaning of this Cold Moon is about finding ways to keep warm, even through the chilliest of storms. Full moons in astrology occur when the moon sits exactly opposite from the sun in the zodiac, which marks the energetic highpoint of the monthly lunar cycle. During this moon, you’ll be able to clearly weigh out the pros and cons of anything you encounter. Be careful, though, because you could become indecisive during this time.
This moon is in Gemini- this should give you the energy to speak your truth in order to move towards better opportunities for your future. Hopefully this helps map out your year for growth and powerful manifestation.
Stay powerful lovelies xxx-
Vox the Fox