Apparently they’ve released Bill Cosby…
A court overturned his sex assault conviction…
Make it make sense.

What the fuck is going on??
Am I living in some warped bizarro dimension??? A fucking nightmare???
This is exactly what is wrong with the world.
Women are in shackles due to this fucking soul-sucking machine we’ve created, While men can do whatever the fuck they want to them and be free as a fucking bird.

Art by Dylanxvx
Whether it be sex,
Overall- on all accounts ladies I’d say we’re being fucked.
And it's been like this for centuries.

Joan of Arc being
burned at the stake for
heresy May 1431
Oh, and if anyone speaks up against these men it’s no problem-
We’ll just call them
Over exaggerating.
We’ll cast doubt onto them and make them look like they’re out for something.
We’ll say they’re mentally not well, put them into a conservatorship and throw away the key.

We’ll defile their names and remind the world how amazing these bloody men are that are being accused.
Bill Cosby.
Woody Allen.
Kevin Spacey.
Mark Normand.
Louis CK.
Roman Pulanski.
Brian Callen.
All free.
The list goes on and on. And these are just sexual assault charges.
Doesn’t even cover the unfair pay differences women are still facing today...

Just FYI- at this rate of progress, it will take until 2093 to close the pay gap between men and women. Meanwhile equally educated/capable women are making on average $10,157 less than their male counterparts.
or things like them contantly trying to take a woman’s rights to her own goddamn body...

Me at the state capitol- protesting them trying to strip away our rights we rightfully won in 1973 to have a choice over our own body, just 2 years ago.
Only 18% of sexual assault charges go to conviction.
And hey out of those they may even let you out anyway! (Point in case-Bill fucking Cosby)
I am so sick of this shit.
I am raving mad over this shit.
Anyone with a vagina should be.
Anyone that cares about anyone with a vagina should be.
False accusations are extremely rare. Why the hell would people think that oh yea these women must be making this up.
We need to start believing the victims first.
I’m sick in general of the disgusting double standards.
If a man raises his voice to fight against something he’s brave.
If a woman does it she’s loud and probably just wanting attention.
As women we are put down, or looked down upon for being:
ALL things men are praised for.

art by Sffuma
And I’m done.
Ladies. DO NOT take this shit anymore.
I mean in your own homes, in your businesses, from your significant others, anywhere.

Artist: Artemisia Gentileschi- BTW when she was a teenager, this 17th-century baroque artist was raped by a painter. She responded by turning her art into a weapon. In Gentileschi's repeated paintings of the biblical story of Judith slaying Holofernes, the Israelite hero is helped by her muscular servant. As one woman holds down Holofernes on his bed, the other saws through his neck with a sword. Blood spurts everywhere in a sensational image of women taking revenge on patriarchy.
You do not have to smile. To be lady-like.
To be the homemaker. To procreate.
To be the secretary. To act accordingly.
You don't have to be soft and gentle.
You don’t have to dress up to look nice and show your ASSets.
You don’t have to dress down and cover yourself up to as not to get attention.
These are not the things that you have to be in order to occupy the space marked FEMALE.

Stand up for yourselves.
Stand up for EACHOTHER.
Fight for equal pay, and equal rights.
Speak up when pieces of shit like Bill Cosby are set free.
Speak up when women like Britney Spears has been made to look insane just because she wants to have access to HER OWN MONEY.
Speak up.
Stand up.
If you can’t see that this world is skewed towards the man. Then you are part of the problem.
It's a mans world, and look at the shit we're in.
Things need to change.
Since the beginning men have been trying to hold us down.
They tell us to “know our place”
For fucks sake even in the damn bible Eve was vilified because she ate the juiciest apple in the fucking garden.
Oh nooooo. (Eye roll)

art by thetogfather
Because she chose free-will. And was hungry. And that apple looked fucking great.
And ever since we have been ashamed to be naked and it’s all woman’s fault. Sound familiar?
Women are owed FREEDOM from this fucked up system of constant emotional and mental abuse from birth.
If I ever had a daughter- I would teach her the moment she could hear me:
We are A lot stronger than what they want us to believe, and they know it, and are afraid of it. This is why they’ll always try to keep you down, to keep you subservient, less than.
Eat the goddamn apple.

Vox the Fox