So I got Botox microneedled all over my face.
And no I don’t look like this:

Lol let me explain.
Insider tip: This Is how Koreans really get their legendary “Glass Skin” (ps, and it’s not through their extensive skincare routines.)
People around the world envy Koreans for their perfect glass skin. You know, that clear, luminuous and almost pore-less complexion that is literally everyone’s #skingoals?

While there are skincare and makeup products that can help to achieve the look, Koreans actually have a treatment that they haven’t been sharing with the rest of us.

Enter “skin botox”, the latest aesthetic procedure that’s serving up flawless skin.
Also called microtox, skin-tox,or meso-tox.
According to Dr. Choi (a Korean dermatologist) “Women in Korea demand 100% absolutely flawless and pristine skin, and women put a lot of effort into maintaining this perfect skin.” When asked about Skin Botox he says unphased “It's one of the procedures we do the most.”

When Kang Jong Bum, another Korean dermatologist, was asked- He went on to reveal his clinic administers this treatment 50 to 60 times A DAY.
Apparently this innovative treatment is one of the most popular treatments in Korea for the past 10 years, and pretty much gives you glass skin instantly.
Popular Kpop group members, actors, and celebrities admit to doing it before big events and some have even admitted to doing it once a month because they love the look so much!!

So here’s how it works:
With normal botox or other neurotoxins the botox is injected into the muscles of your face to weaken them and prevent creases from forming…

Skin botox in injected (or stamped) ONLY on the outer layer of skin, very shallow. (just below the surface to be precise).

This technique claims to be able to treat and tighten pores, brighten skin and give your complexion an overall smoothed effect. Basically, you get glass skin without having to bother about serums or highlighters.

Won’t you look like a frozen crazy person with botox everywhere?!!
No! because the injections are done at a very superficial level and diluted, skin botox won’t affect your facial motions or expressions at all.

So-Regular botox targets creasing.
Skin Botox, on the other hand, targets wrinkles, redness, crepey texture, acne scarring, and majorly targets pores to create an all-over smoothing effect.
The diluted Botox just relaxes the top layer of the skin, so you’ll see your pore size get even smaller. If filler is added, the tiny bit of filler gives you that refined look all over—like when you were younger and everything was just kind of plump and smooth.

It can also banish breakouts because sweat and oil glands are affected by the procedure, too. As botox has proven to reduce sweating and over production of oil sebum stops forming.
It’s super-healing and rejuvenating and one of the most effective treatments that really, really focuses on texture and glow.
**Word of caution-
Who this treatment is NOT for:
Tho this treatment helps for us acne scarred beauties, and help keep new pimples from forming- Steer clear if you have multiple ACTIVE acne breakouts!! It can not be done on broken out skin at risk of spreading bacteria around the face.
Wait til you’re cleared up, then definitely try this!!!
Who this treatment is for:
Someone that has lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, acne scarring, PIH, texture, crows feet, dehydration, overall dullness to the skin.

Sounds great, right?
But there are a fewww negatives I wanted to bring up. For one, with regular Botox you’re injected minimal times. Meanwhile skin botox requires about 50 injections + per treatment or micro stamping repeatedly with tiny needle micro-channels. Ouch.
So even though there is very little downtime, there is still a little pain I mean you are having needles put into your face.

You’ll have to do some research to find a dermatologist/injector who provides Skin Botox in the U.S., as it's an off-label usage that Allergan cannot comment on, and it's not yet approved by the FDA. It's most common in NY and LA especially in Hollywood.
Tho in Korea they've been doing this treatment for over 10 YEARS!
There’s only a few very similar treatments available in the United States.
Mainly the AquaGold and Bella MicroGold facials, which combine in a little vial: a neurotoxin like botox or dysport, hyaluronic acid, a specific skin cocktail just for you and your skin needs- such as vitamin b-12, vitamin C etc., and sometimes a hylauronic acid based filler like Juvederm-

That solution is then injected into the superficial layers of the skin using a stamping device that contains 20 cannulated gold needles to infuse the cocktail just beneath the surface layer of the skin.
The needles are only 0.5 mm. So there is very little downtime.
(Be aware you WILL be pretty red the first day, and might have minimal bleeding depending on your skin)

The price!!!
In Korea dermatologists end up performing many more treatments like this vs here in the U.S., with the emphasis put on perfect skin these treatments are in very high demand. And because it’s so competitive for services, prices stay relatively low.
Welp not here.
Most places I found in Atlanta averaged around $500 a pop for Aquagold.
If you are in places like LA, or a very boujee Med-spa be prepared to shell out major bucks up to $1,200!! (depending on which products are used.)

**AND keep in mind it only last about three to six months (the same amount of time as Botox.
So it’s definitely not a cheap thing to maintain.
But I really wanted to give this “Hollywood Facial” a try!

Bazaar Magazine
My skin is oily-combination, and my biggest concern is texture (I have some unevenness light acne scarring on my cheeks from years of bad acne flare ups), my pore size is relatively small but I do notice them sometimes on the oilier parts of my face, and my crows-feet. All of which makes me a perfect candidate for Aqua Gold.
Let me just preface this with this is NOT a relaxing facial, more of an injection treatment. If you're looking for a relaxing facial this isn't for you lol. But hey, beauty is pain right?

Here's my alien face- with numbing cream on
Pre- Skintox. You can see my acne scarring
I went to Kerry Braverman at Skin Envy Aesthetics to get the Aquagold facial. - She is a nurse and her prices were reasonable. Check, check.
She did apply numbing cream to me (which I appreciated) while she mixed my special skin cocktail.
In mine we added:
-vitamin B 12
-vitamin C
-dysport (the neurotoxin like botox)
-skin caviar
-gold serum loaded with vitamins and antioxidants

My custom Aqua-Gold cocktail
And then she went to stamping.
I have read that some people say it doesn’t hurt that much, maybe I was just pretty sensitive that day but it definitely wasn’t a walk in the park. Especially around my eyes and forehead.
It wasn’t terrible, probably a 5/10 on the pain scale. I have had worse, but you can definitely tell you are being poked with tiny needles over and over. Lol

Directly after Aqua-Gold. As you can see
I was pretty red with some slight bleeding
The procedure was quick and easy, and only lasted about 30 minutes.
Afterwards I was instructed not to touch my face, get my face wet, or apply makeup, for 12 hrs or until the next morning when I could rinse my skin with luke warm water and apply moisturizer.

The next morning I went into the bathroom to look at my face and literally my first words were: “Holy Shit. “
My skin looked SO smooth… on my cheeks where I had my worst acne scarring looked almost completely smooth. And my tone was so even! Even the few PIH marks I had were lightened quite a bit!
I went to put on my coffee but had to go back into the bathroom a second time just to make sure I was seeing this correctly…
Again, “Holy shit.”
I skipped my usual active skincare and went for only my gentle hydrating products.
I’ve done microdermabrasion, micro needling, and chemical peels, (all which help a lot) but It’s honestly been YEARS since my skin looked THIS smooth.
And it’s only day 1! Reportedly most people see full results in a few days to a week!
So the verdict is 10/10 would recommend.
Worth. Every. Penny.
Check out the video here:
Stay glowy guys!
-Vox the Fox