Well guys we made it- Mercury retrograde is finally over. Along with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto going direct the first half of this month it should feel a little more stable and a little lighter.

Falls first major lunation comes at just the right time, The full “blood” moon on Oct. 20. (This Wednesday) Also called a hunters or harvest moon.
During the final days of Libra season, fall’s first full moon will bring us important opportunities to cleanse and reset; especially after all of the shifting retrogrades.
This moon will rise in the bold sign of Aries, which puts a fire under our goals and asks our inner selves to step up to the plate.

Although Libra season is usually marked by a push for balance and beauty, this year's was full of angst and confusion due to a bucket load of intense retrogrades.
And right on the heels of Mercury going direct- the planet of communication- here comes Aries, the aggressive cardinal fire sign that sits opposite Libra. Aries is ruled by Mars, and after everything happening the last few months basically this volcano is ready to blow.
Could be things that you have been planning or putting off during these retrogrades- you’ll be forced to make moves.
It also could make or break relationships that have been rocky during this time.
Regardless of what your “thing” is, October's Aries full moon will push for you to make assertive decisions. But it's a good thing. Sometimes we need a hard push.

A full moon is a perfect time to release things that are no longer serving you & reconnect with yourself. And what better time than a super moon?
Don’t be afraid, it’s not a spell, and you don’t have to be a witch. You can go as deep as you wish, but even regular people can do it!
Just think of it as a time for you to have a moment to yourself and check-in with your feelings, your goals, your pain- and what you want to change. Modern life is super busy & time escapes us, but a full moon is a regular, constant cue once a month for us to sit down, slow down and re-center.

For me personally, right now a lot of my self-work is rooted in the need to let go; of habits that aren’t helping me grow, ideas that are no longer serving me, things that are draining for my soul, things that no longer spark joy.
I find the older you get, sometimes the harder this becomes.
We all settle in to a certain level of comfort, and sometimes that comfort is suffocating.

It's important in these times, more than ever, for you to re-ground and find your footing to move forward in the right direction. Possibly a different direction.
I've seen a few rituals, and settled on a mix that feels right for me. I've seen some that include setting intentions, and while there's not necessarily a wrong way- traditionally usually new moons are for manifesting and full moons are for letting go. So I stay true to this form. It keeps things simpler, purer, less cluttered if you will.
There is power in focus.
So- If this sounds like something you would like to try- keep reading!

What You’re Going To Need
A pen or marker
A leaf from outside **or a scrap of paper
Fire or candle
Matches or Lighter
Appropriate crystals and/or sage (if you use these, no pressure if you don't)
Step 1
Wait until it’s dark out and the moon is high enough in the sky that it looks large and full. (It's ok if it's cloudy- don't sweat it)
Step 2 Turn off the TV, find a room or space alone, put away your cell phone, etc. (unless you're using it for meditative music which I sometimes do- only if this centers you more tho. Nothing disruptive) Basically create a sacred space free of negative energy and distractions.

Step 3
Open the curtains- so moonlight can fill your space! Make sure to turn your lights off inside your house to be more intimately connected to your senses and the natural light.
*Sidenote, you can also do this outside if you have a peaceful outdoor space (like a private yard or deck)
Step 4
Light a candle or fire, and IF you're using them-set up your crytals/spark your sage to let it start cleansing your space

Step 5
Write what you want to release. This can be in any way feels right to you- bullet points, or just write freely. Anything that has been weighing you down, holding you back, creating toxicity in your life, even old memories that are haunting you.
You can definitely use a piece of paper to write on, which I do often- but sometimes I use a leaf from outside if dry and available. (Fall is a great time to do this, when the leaves are fallen and brown) I love the idea of utilizing the power of Mother Nature to help strengthen your intentions.
Step 6
Time to burn and release- After you've finished writing, let what you wrote fill your heart and hold it there for a moment. Visualize what you want to release and how fulfilling it will feel to let it go, and all the possibility you can attract in it's stead. And then, when you are ready, burn it.

This is an ending point for a lot of full moon rituals, and it is a totally acceptable place to conclude! Especially if you're trying to keep it short and sweet.
If you've been feeling especially unstable or fragile you can take it a bit further to get some more grounding.
I know I'll need this after this few months!
So if you wish to to go even deeper, follow on to step 7...
Step 7
There are 2 ways to do this.
Take a moonbath. Run yourself a nice hot bath with a good amount of pink himalayan salt or epsom salts for your muscles, light some candles, surround yourself with healing crystals, burn some ethical palo santo or sage, and deeply relax. OR even better if you can get outside and bathe in the moonlight in either the ocean or freshwater, this is a wonderful way to connect yourself with nature and the energy of the full moon.

2. Get grounded. After a release ritual I really like to go outside and just stand barefoot in the grass for a bit. There is proof standing on the earth with our bare feet is very grounding and does things for the energy in our bodies. Just stand, feel the earth beneath your feet, and let the moonlight wash over you. I know it sounds weird, but this feels oddly calming and powerful.

And there you have it! All the tools you need to have a successful Full Moon Ritual. I hope this helps you feel more at peace and centered, try it out and let me know what you think!
***Bonus tip: If you do use crystals put them out in the full moonlight to cleanse and charge them.
Full love to you all,