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My Cupping Experience!

My Cupping Experience:

I had my first cupping experience today- What the hell is that, you ask?

Cupping is an ancient form of alternative therapy. 

Though some consider the Chinese to be responsible for cupping, actually the earliest pictorial records date back to the ancient Egyptians around 1500 B.C.! It works by re-balancing energy flows by use of suction on the afflicted areas.  

The form I received was dry cupping- this form of uses small cups made out of glass left on the body for 5-20 minutes to increase blood flow in specific parts of the body.

(There is another form that you’re oiled up then the practitioner continuously moves the cups around after being placed on the skin- But the type I had was stationary, and therefore deeper.) 

And no I didn’t go to some frou frou place that uses the little plunger suction cups or silicone. We’re talking old school traditional glass with a flammable material inside the cup, set on fire, and popped onto your skin. Your skin is immediately sucked up into the glass due to the pressure changes and it increases flow to that area. 

The suction causes the blood to flow to the surface of the skin- which causes the swelling and circular spots that look like bruising. The marks technically aren’t bruises due to the factor that bruises are caused by impact or trauma. Instead these dark marks are due to the surfacing of old stagnant blood, lymphatic fluid, cellular debris, pathogenic factors, and toxins. You can think of cupping as "massage in reverse": instead of kneading down on the muscles, suction cups lift the tissue up. Its reported benefits include improving circulation to problem areas.

 Me after my cupping ^

Why would someone want to do such a thing??

When toxins stagnate in the muscles or joints- the body has a difficult time with metabolizing them- when this happens we experience discomfort or pain. 

Cupping alleviates these side effects far more rapidly and effectively than any other type of therapy, including acupuncture, massage, chiropractic adjustments, medications or even surgery.

Cupping therapy has been known to treat a number of different conditions, ranging from muscle fatigue and injuries experienced in extreme athletic training (It’s the best way to address myofascial trigger points and break up lactic acid.), to chronic facial paralysis, skin problems, blood disorders, chronic pain disorders, and respiratory conditions. It can relieve muscle tension, help form new connective tissues, and even create new blood vessels in the tissue.

Mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression, may also be attributed to energy imbalances, and may be corrected by this kind of treatment! 


With me working out so much more now, my neck has been jacked up again; and my shoulder has been starting to act up probably due to boxing. My body has been feeling beat up, worn down, and depleated. I decided what the hell, I’ll give it a shot. 

I went and saw Dr. Kedong He at Balanced Healthcare Center on Buford Hwy. His practic mixed eastern and western medicine, which I appreciate.

He checked a few things on my body by putting pressure in certain areas and he very quickly found my weak spots. Also a few new ones! 

So of course my cervical spine was misaligned (which I knew, this always happens) 

But also he told me my lower back is also to blame. There is a major meridian that flows direct through the spine, and I have blockings in points along the lower spine. This blocking of energy is partly why I’m fatigued a lot and why my feet and hands are pretty much always cold and sweaty. 

He explained my energy tank is very low. 

He said I need to dress warmer when it’s cold because the cold just sucks the energy out of me, so I need to protect my energy tank by conserving warmth. And also need to be making my sure I’m replacing my energy stores, since I'm working out so much. Also no more going out with wet hair when it’s cold! (seriously, what my grandma has always told me) Lol

After telling me all my problems, came the cupping. He very swiftly went to work I heard him lighting the cups and one by one pop, pop, pop- within a minute I was covered with glass cups.

This did not feel great lol. I knew it was going to suction of course but it was actually far less relaxing than I expected- more like a severe pinching sensation. (He was also targeting all of my problem areas and I had about 8 cups on at once!) He told me to take deep breaths and try to relax and the pain would subside. I followed suit and tried to go into meditation.

After about 2 minutes (...a very long 2 minutes) the pain did subside or maybe I just got used to it.

After a few minutes he removed the cups, each removal bringing huge relief. Then he massaged around my upper back and neck a little more then repeated the process in other areas. After the second round was removed, he turned me over and cracked my neck to fix my cervical spine. (Always my favorite part of an adjustment.) 

And he said- that is all for today. 

No more wet hair, more clothes when it’s cold- And today only warm foods, no cold food or salads, and to go home and put my feet and legs in a hot water bath. 

I got 17 areas treated in total ( 17 cups) 

I welted up pretty bad, and looked like I had been beaten with a bat lol. 

My most severe ones being the 4 on my shoulder blades, 

And on my left side mid/lower back.

My left outer thigh was pretty dark,

But overall the marks on my legs were much lighter than the ones on my back.

And my calves just went a little pink and the color was gone by the end of the day!

Different colors and reactions mean different things-

 For example:

In Beijing a few olympians sported cupping marks:

 Michael Phelps marks make sense, his darkest ones being on top of his shoulders due to the massive work his muscles go thru while swimming. 

 Most of the swimmers had dark purpling due to the build up of lactic acid in their muscles, and also probably from the constant exposure to chlorine.

 Jen Anniston's marks are more white in color which may point to a blood and or qi deficiency. (Qi AKA the circulating life force of a person based on Chinese philosophy and medicine.)

Mine was mostly:

Bubbles after cupping, this normally means accumulated fluids in the tissues. This makes sense due to the inflammation from working out so much lately. (A major reason a lot of olympians and athletes turn to cupping) 

And I also had a lot of moderate to dark, purple cupping marks especially on my back/ shoulders, which means stagnation and that the body is cold. 

The color and pattern of the marks depend on the level of stagnation in the area, and range from a bright red to dark purple, usually lasting 3 days to a week - sometimes longer if the person is very sick or sedentary. 

If there is no stagnation present, there will be only a pink marking which disappears in a few minutes to a couple of hours. (Like in my calves!)

As you can see my marks definitely varied and you can see where my problem areas are exactly. The marks on my legs are far less severe (more light pink) than the marks on my back. Even tho being treated in the same manner for the same amount of time.

Meaning there is good circulation of energy there and not much stagnation present.

As you continue treatments and the stagnation is pulled to the surface and metabolized by the body the coloration is said to be less and less. So if I continue therapy the marks should get lighter and lighter.

Over all a very cool experience that lead me to be very relaxed (afterwards) and hoping to see changes in energy levels and workouts later this week! 

Here's a video of my experience and me showing off my cupping marks afterwards:




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