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They're Taking Away Womens Rights... Seriously.

Hey guys, It's been way too long since I blogged- I was just taking a sort of hiatus... But I'm breaking that now...

May 21, 2019.

What a beautiful day, of a terrible month for women everywhere.

Hundreds of people gathered on the steps of the capitol to protest the anti-abortion ban, and rally for women’s rights.

Sick and still struggling with my anxiety issues I pulled myself together, even made signs, and came out. And I’m so glad I did. What a crowd.

The most beautiful and diverse group of women I’ve seen in a long time. All pissed the hell off. All standing up for women everywhere. What a beautiful sight- the feeling of pride literally brought me to tears as I was walking up. (Thank the gods for sunglasses)

Over the last couple of weeks I have been feeling like I’m going mad. Every other second I want to yell and scream at the top of my lungs knocking shit over in my war path. In between those seconds I have cried at the sheer injustice and bullshit we have to continually deal with.

What it is to be a woman in 2019.

Big thank you not only to the women that showed, but the men as well. I was surprised by the variety in attendance. Gay, straight, male, female, white, black, hispanic, even a few Christians! EVERYONE was there representing.

To come together- to prove a point. Pro-choice doesn’t mean Pro-abortion. It simply means Pro-CHOICE. The right to have a choice. If this horrendous law isn’t affecting you, I guarantee you know someone who is being affected.

I’m actually surprised more people I know or follow aren’t talking about this. Posting about this.

Outraged by this.

Stop being afraid of looking like a raving radical feminist.

Stop being afraid of the backlash.

From your co-workers, Instagram followers, even your friends and family.

Speak up.

It is so important.

There is no middle ground on this. No luke-warm hot tub you can hang out in until it's over.


*All photos by me, Copyrighted*

Abortion isn’t the only thing being criminalized with these bills, there’s a lot more on the table. But it seems as if some people can’t see past the dreaded A word.

This also goes way further than abortion. Did you know they are not just banning abortions; they are charging women that have abortions with MURDER.

In the strictest of bans (bloody Alabama) This doesn't even exclude victims of RAPE or INCEST.

Even miscarriages are subject to investigation. Fall? You may be liable. Smoker? You may be liable.

In many other of the banning states they are trying to ban birth-control all together... So, they give no access to birth-control then charge you with murder if you choose to not follow through. It makes no sense. As if them pulling the government funding for planned parenthood wasn't bad enough.

In North Carolina they are now saying a woman can not retract consent once sex has begun. They are now protecting rapists. A few officials even being quoted calling rape "The will of God''

Speaking of that- Basically now if you are RAPED and choose to have an abortion, your rapist will be out of jail before you...

This is a huge slap in the face to EVERY woman EVERYWHERE. Taking away rights that were already hard-won by our mothers and grandmothers. It’s putting shackles on women. Silencing their voices.

Well we say that WILL NOT happen. You may take away our rights; but we will not bow down, bow out. WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED.

We will fight this heinous fight until the end.

How about every man gets a mandatory vasectomy until he’s ready to reproduce? And save the need for abortions all together.

After all it is a moderately non-invasive surgery that is reversible. I don’t see why we’re only looking at the women’s part in this, as you all famously love to quote- “It’s part man, it takes 2 to tango”. So yea let’s go there; the way I see it it's half your fault a woman gets pregnant.

Oh, that is violating to your privacy, body autonomy, and human rights??

Hm yea.

Sounds outrageous.

To all of you radical pro-life activists out there I’d like you to really consider what you’re signing off on:

You ARE taking away women’s rights.

You ARE saying that a rapists rights are greater than the women being raped.

You ARE saying you don’t care about how low income women are going to access birth control- then punishing them if they get pregnant.

And for all of you fucks in Alabama you ARE saying if a 12 year old girl gets raped by her uncle, she is FORCED to carry that child then and forced to coparent. And you are proud of that.

How traumatizing. How de-humanizing.

You ARE saying that embryos rights are greater than women’s health and or safety.

You ARE saying you care more about anti-abortion laws than stricter gun laws (that by the way, in case you have been living under a rock the last few years, has kinda been a big fucking problem)

You ARE saying you want more and more unwanted children to be born, even though there are 140 MILLION+ orphans worldwide- 400,000+ of which are in the US.

You care more about something that doesn’t even have life yet, than the millions of lives suffering already on this planet.

But here you are, spouting out you’re an advocate for the unborn life.

Save it.

At this point this is so much more than that. You have no religious shield to hide behind. No grand morals. You are no saviors.

Just advocates for the wolves in sheep’s clothing.

The moral of the story is:

You ARE NOT actually pro-life.

This is only about power and control over women.


Until you show the same passion and compassion towards immigrants, school shooting victims, young black men, the LGBTQ community, the environment, and oh yea- WOMEN- you have NO right to call yourselves Pro-life.

It’s despicable, and quite honestly- bullshit.

In conclusion;

A friend of mine asked me today “Do you think protests do anything?”

Well, yes. Yes I do. It gives us a voice. A unified voice. It lets them know we will not just lay down and play dead.

And honestly- it’s better than just sitting on your couch hoping things will change. Believe me, unless we fight back, things WILL only get worse.

At this point we can’t afford to sit back and see what happens.

This isn’t about life. It’s about control. This is a war on women.

This is a war on our voices. On our rights. On our lives.


Get involved.




Send the governor a box of hangars.

I don’t care how you get involved. Just DO.

PS: I am 1 in 4.

Not something I have shared openly up until now. I never have had/ never will have to explain my choice to anyone- And I could choose to keep it to myself, it’s nobodies fucking business. But honestly I’m just so sick of the stigma.

It was a choice, and the right one for me at the time.

But according to new law in 2020, I am a criminal. A felon. Somebody that could’ve been stripped of my right to vote. Somebody who would go away for murder.

So go ahead friends, and family, and anyone that believes in these bills. Who thinks they’re better than me for making a choice that was for my own spiritual and physical well-being:

Persecute me.


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