I never post about politics... but this was too important not to. Outraged and deeply saddened that this is where we’re at- I find myself shaking and in tears thinking about it. Yes currently as of three hours ago it is on hold... But I don’t even understand how lifting the big game ban was even a question in the first place. Way too much of this goes on even with the ban in place. The elephant has been listed as a “threatened” species since 1978. Both of Trumps sons partake in big game hunting. There are pictures showing them proudly posing with a dead pachyderm, holding up an elephant’s severed tail, murdered leopards, and many others. While much of Africa’s wildlife is sadly endangered due to poachers, and while all of these deaths are unforgivable; Savanna elephants may be the most threatened. They are amazing beings. They feel emotions such as compassion... it seems more so than humans these days. To proudly partake or support in their extinction... I will never understand this.