This LIVING DEAD GIRL is going to start new little sub-categories of my blog. You see my work and my work-outs.. now you can see what I do when I get a spare moment to let loose! To start this little chapter, I think it's only fitting... Zombie.
Checked this one off of my list tonight. I'm so happy right now... and I have no voice left. #RobZombie
Thanks to my amazing friend Kym Laroux I was able to go!! Music is so important to me. I feel it in my bones. In my cells. I've loved Zombie ever since I was a kid, and I remember when I first was able to drive I would ride around with my best friend at the time blaring Rob zombie and would love the angry looks I would get from disapproving soccer moms.
Favorite things about the Rob Zombie Concert:
1. His microphones were Nosferatu... I mean come on
2. The part when he was talking to the crowd and said "How many of you looked in the mirror and said fuck yea this is working", then looked down and realized- "Shit, I can't wear flip flops, better put my fucking booots onnnnn!!!" which is exactly what I did before leaving.. because- you wear boots to a Rob Zombie concert.
3. The part where John 5 has a sick guitar solo, then all of a sudden Rob was standing on the bar right behind us!!! ! ! ! !
4. The part where he said Rock concerts were way better before cellphones so he asked for everyone to put them away for a while and do it like we meant it- and pretty much everyone complied- and it WAS way better. We danced our asses off.
5. The fact that I wanted him to close with Dragula... and he did!!! ☠️☠️☠️ TOP NIGHT.
Check out my experience here:
He's one of the true Rockers left- someone in my top 10 wishlist that I hadn't gotten to yet. I don't like going to big music festivals anymore, it's too many people, and the energy is not good for me. But specific artists are worth seeing live. I feel like sometimes I think my favorite artists are immortal; the loss of so many of the greats lately is a harsh reminder that this isn't the case. You have to go when you get the chance. So thank you Kym, you gifted me the gift of music from one of my long time favorite artists. It meant a lot.
I can't thank you enough!!!
xo- Vox